Sunday, January 2, 2011

Second dish

Okay so if you thought I was a lazy vegan yesterday, you're going to love today! The recipe- Hopping John Soup. Take leaftover hopping john (see previous post) boil with some veggie broth and ta-dah! You have soup, perfect for pairing with your favorite cornbread, rolls, or just plain old sandwich bread (I love Eziekial bread). Add salad if you want to be really healthy. Of course there are a lot of variations. For instance, I personally love substituting half Bragg's amino acids with half water in place of broth. You can add whatever veggies you have wilting in your cripser drawer too. One of my favorite cookbook author Leanne Ely has a great recipe to do just this- Simply add in the leftover rice and black-eyed peas for an even heartier meal:) Most soup recipes can be easily veganized by using oil in place of butter to saute veggies, veggie broth or even water in place of meat broth (as in the above link), using faux meat substitutes (not my favorite but if you really want the flavor to be similar it's a good option- seek out products that are more natural and organic particularly if soy as it is often a GMO unless organic), using plant-based milks in place of cream or dairy milk (coconut, soy, almond, etc.- they all have their pluses and minuses in substituing), et cetera.

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