Thursday, January 6, 2011

Grocery shopping!

Ok so my mean old husband (JK) finally dragged me out of the house today to go shopping. Awful- I know! A man who forces his wife to shop- I tell 'ya;) Anyway we were going to get going this morning BUT since some aspiring blogger stayed up too late on Facebook, that didn't happen. We finally got out this afternoon. Amazingly we got to Sprinkles in time to get out free cupcakes (follow them on Facebook for daily "whisper word" for a free cupcake). It was banana, which is not vegan but such a good "cheat". I mean if you're going to be "bad" do it for something really really good, like free gourmet all natural cupcakes:) Then to burn off said cupcakes, we walked down to Zoolikins, my favorite baby store. We still had to go get groceries so I didn't get to analyze their entire inventory like I would have liked. (Yes I am that crazy girl who literally knows her favorite shops better than the workers. Quiz me on Trader Joe's- I DARE YOU!)
 Next, we made the trek to the mythical Whole Foods on Raintree (cue ta-dah music...). Ironically it is one of the smaller stores in the Valley. See Phoenix tends to be very spread out so many places back East (like the Whole Foods in PA a friend recently told me about) that would be small are often big here since real estate is better (well not exactly but AZ is definitely a buyer's market right now lol). Anyways, it was tiny. So much for the build up. However I did find something I did not know even exsisted- ORGANIC PHYLLO DOUGH! I have no clue what I'll do with it or when I'll finally use it BUT HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT!?! It was only like $4 too! It looks vegan- no butter AND the directions say to roll it out with oil. Going to be fun:)
After that we sought out the local Trader Joe's (as the two are often and always should be near one another but not in that annoying Red Lobster/Olive Garden way...). That one was fairly typical. I don't know as I was distracted by nursing- I had my tit out almost the whole time- that baby was hungry! (BTW how that nursing incident in CA happened last year I have no idea- I have never had an issue breastfeeding at Trader Joe's or most anywhere for that matter- except RA sushi! Ugh- that's a long story but nursing moms are protected by state law so they couldn't do anything. Ironically that particular location was in the same complex as a Babies R Us...) Anyways we bought a lot as we try to make the most out of every outting and headed home. We had Ezekial bread brand pita with organic humus from TJ's. Then I also cracked open a jar of 365 salsa (Wholefoods' brand- organic medium), and ate it with baked organic chips, some leftover black beans and an avocado. So good! I could seriously live off that!

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